To be completed.... All Social Studies Students - Have you decided who you are voting for tomorrow? If not, look into each Political Party's Platform and check out Vote Compass to help you make an informed decision! 8B - Field Trip forms due!; Japan title page due Monday 8D - Japan title page due Monday; Field Trip Forms due! 8F - Singular and Plural Nouns; Endings - able, - ible due tomorrow: Poetry Project due May 6th 9E - fill in Snapshot Chart - US info (page 275) *End of the year WEM permission forms due by May 13th! 9G - fill in Snapshot Chart - US info (page 275) Important Dates Coming Up.... Student Vote - May 1st 8B Japan Field Trip - May 5th Grade 9s ELA Part A PAT - May 11th 8D Japan Field Trip - May 12th TRack Day - May 14th (rain-out May 19th) Grade 9 Farewell - May 28th (7:00pm at LCHS) WEM Activity Day - May 29th Did you know that they found a species of frogs that look e...