All classes - Colombia Current Event due November 2nd *This will be the LAST current event collected for Term 1!! Social 8B - please finish filling out your chart on the powerful city-state of Florence and the Medici family (pages 34-36) Social 8H - please finish filling out you chat about the powerful city-state of Florence (pages 34-35) *We will talk about the family section on Tuesday Social 8E - please finish filling out your chart on the powerful city-state of Florence and the Medici family (pages 34-36) Social 9A - Chapter 1 project due Tuesday; Chapter 1 Test Tuesday Social 9G - Chapter 1 project due Tuesday; Chapter 1 Test Tuesday 9G - please bring in magazine and cookie dough orders! Remember each order you bring in will reduce your costs for the Christmas Activity Day :) Also, bring in a baby picture (1-3yrs old) for our Guess the Baby bulletin board! Hav...