Here's what happened today: Social 8A and 8C- Today, we worked on our Worldview Magazine Project. Be sure to review chapter 3 material for your test on Wednesday. We will review in class tomorrow. Chapter 3 Assessment: Wednesday, January 23rd. Financial Roller-coaster CE due Tuesday, January 22nd Social 8G - Today, we talked continued talking about European Imperialism, including the terrible costs/impacts of it. Be sure that you are done questions 20-28 in your booklets. Financial Roller-coaster CE due Tuesday, January 22nd Social 9B - Today, we talked about the history behind the Canadian government and First Naiotns groups signing Numbered Treaties, including to help coordinate the building of a cross country railway. Review page 126 if needed. Financial Roller-coaster CE due Tuesday, January 22nd Important Dates Coming Up: Thursday, January 31st (5-8pm) - Parent Teacher Conferences Friday, February 1...